Introduction: the ME tile

Employees are constantly changing address, phone number, email address, Facebook account and what have you. They report this to the HR department, who then changes it in various systems and excel sheets. The employee never knowing whether the change has been made correctly.

With TraQQr, this can be done simpler - with it not costing your HR department any time at all. Each employee has access to his or her own ME tile, where all their personal information is displayed. If they move to another city, they simply go to their ME tile, open their address and update it! With the interfaces available to TraQQr, all your other systems which require up-to-date HR information will then automatically receive the change and have the new address.

You can determine what an employee can or cannot edit. You can allow them to only change their address, or you can also allow employees to update their phone numbers, email addreses and even passport!

In the next sections you will read about other information that can be looked up from this single place, ranging from accessing a corporate procedure document to being able to request time off. All these options together make this tile the default place your employees start looking for information pertaining to themselves.


Check your own compliancy

Another thing that takes a lot of time is keeping track of all the certificates that your employees have - and sending them on courses when those are close to expiring. In TraQQr an employee can look up his actual compliance to his current function at all times and see what certificates he or she still needs to get.

Even better is that the same employee can also easily check what the requirements are for a different position, and how far along he or she is in meeting those. If they see they (nearly) meet the requirements, they can contact their supervisor to get assessed on that position instead of their current one, or get booked to obtain the last few certificates.

Giving your employees free insight into their personal training profile also means more eyes on the same subject, which means a slip-up is harder to make.

Last not but least on the subject, TraQQr supports email notifications of (required) certificates that are close to expiring and need to be renewed, both to the employee and supervisor.


Easy access to forms, procedures and templates

Another thing that is always hard, is keeping track of the different sorts of documents that your employees use in their daily jobs, such documents describing company procedures, forms to fill in, etcetera. And if you manage to give each employee access to the right version of the right file - they then sometimes change the template, or even worse, accidentally delete it.

Our forms section allows you to upload all your corporate documents and then easily make them accessible to people that have a certain function, are in a department or have a certain user group - or a combination of them. Your employees only have read access, meaning your templates are safe - while remaining easily accessible to your employees.



How many times have you looked at your pay slip and thought: I don't understand even half of what's written down here? Most employees only check the hours they've worked and trust that you made sure the rest is accurate.

TraQQr offers a simple overview wherein an employee can see the amount of days he or she has worked, that are getting paid out. We call this overview a workrecord. The overview also shos when you went on training and holidays, so you have a complete overview of how many holidays are left and whether or not something's up with the hours you've worked. If you want to know more about the possibilities of workrecords, please visit the Workrecords tile.

Last but not least, the ability to ask time off is only a single click away if you notice you still have some unspent holiday days!