Introduction: the HR tile

As you read about our ME tile, we allow employees to change personal information themselves, saving you time.

However, there are usually still several tasks which are not entrusted to employees, such as uploading new certificates and/or contracts. We recognized that switching between employees should be fast, easy and intuitive.

As such, we by default show a list of all your employees, which can be sorted by first name or last name and can be searched on department, function, location, name and status. Once you open an employee, you get a mirror image of their ME tile - although you can specify that your supervisors have more rights in it.


We adapt to your needs

Different customers have different needs. This is a simple fact which we want to support with our software. Here are some examples of how we do that:


Different templates

Want to have less or more information in the list of personnel? It's possible.


Open card is customizable

Don't want HR information such as gender, birthdays etc. in TraQQr? You can disable or enable any field you want from our add and open screen.


Disable links you don't use

You can also disable links in HR, either for everybody or specific groups.


No data restriction

Do you hate it when you can only enter one address or phone number? Well, you can store literally an infinite amount of addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, company numbers and so on for each employee in TraQQr.